Sunday, September 10, 2017

STYLE and Dressing for SUCCESS

Can a lack of style actually hurt your business ?
The answer is YES. When starting a business, one of the first things that needs to be done is BRANDING YOURSELF. Branding yourself does require a bit of STYLE and this does involve the way you DRESS - the things you like - the things that draw people to you etc. STYLE plays a HUGE role in branding and it's what attracts people to you so they eventually do business with you. Everyone has heard of DRESSING FOR SUCCESS and this can also play a huge role in your business. Sadly, in business we are often judged by our appearance. When we have job interviews - how we dress can often make or break the chances of us getting the job. For women - it can speak volumes in the corporate world. When a woman is dressed for success, she is often more confident and we all know that a perfect amount of confidence goes along way. Today there are so many ways to stay up-to-date on fashion and for those of us on a budget, there are multiple places to find stylish clothing without breaking the bank. I have always been a firm believer in DRESS HOW YOU WANT TO BE ADDRESSED. If we dress professional - we will treated to a certain a professional. If we dress in such a way that leaves little to the imagination - then you might be attracting more than you you wanted. We all remember those days when our parents ( mainly dad ) gave us heck when we wanted to leave the house with too much cleavage showing. The same applies to the business world and even more so. When a woman is dressed stylishly is shows that she takes care of herself and that she has a certain amount of self respect. Dressing stylish can really give us that extra boost of confidence too and let's face it- some days we NEED that. So whether you are showing up for a important interview with a potential new client or the job if a lifetime - DRESS FOR SUCCESS and you will CHARM them with a great first impression.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


In business it's always important to SHINE and many times we get so consumed by the need to SHINE BRIGHTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. This puts you in a competition state of mind and this can cause STRESS. We want to SAY NO to STRESS and focus on LESS STRESS. How can we do this when there always seems be someone better and smarter out there in the business world? The answer is simple really - No matter what we do in life - there will always be those who are smarter and more popular. It's important to remember and to acknowledge that and NOT let it get to us. We can only worry about ourselves and our own goals in life. Keep your focus on YOU and YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS and GOALS and you will soon notice that you are SHINING BRIGHT because you didn't let your mindset drift into a competition mode. Our lives should never turn into a competition and we should always be proud of what makes each of us special. SHINE ON - and be PROUD of the journey you're on. It's an amazing road and the fun is getting there.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Creating YOUR OWN Celebrity doing Facebook LIVES


1) Facebook LOVES LIVES
2) People LOVE a variety when they go on Facebook and they don't always want to see the same old posts all the time. They want to see LIVE ACTION. Now that doesn't mean you have to turn into a LIVE ACTION MOVIE STAR - but you will want to start doing LIVE VIDEOS on your facebook and give  your viewers a chance to SEE WHO YOU ARE.
3) When bringing your business to Facebook- people will not do business with people they don't know- and when you can do a LIVE VIDEO on a regular basis, then your viewers will get a sense of WHO  you are and then they will start to FEEL as if they know you. That is when the MAGIC HAPPENS-
After a few LIVE VIDEOS -you will probably see that some of your viewers will take a bigger interest in your business and what you have to offer.
4) In your LIVE VIDEOS - talk about what YOU KNOW. This will show your viewers your field of expertise and you will feel more at ease when talking to them about that topic. You may be a business owner and have a wide range of expertise - so each time you do a LIVE - pick one topic and FOCUS on that.
5) Be YOURSELF ! This can sometimes take some time until you get over your fears, but I promise - with each video you do WILL get easier and more natural feeling.
6) BE OPEN with your viewers the FIRST TIME- they love HONESTY. Tell them " This is my first LIVE and I am scared to death "! You will find that the comments will start flying in and people will be assuring you that you are doing a FANTASTIC JOB !
7) Nothing breeds confidence more that a NEW OUTFIT so buy yourself something FUN to wear and get all DOLLED UP for your first live. Doll yourself up and put on some make-up and lipgloss !
Every CELEBRITY always tries to look their best when in front of the camera-
8) Pick an area in your home or office that is well lit. DAYTIME LIVES are the BEST. Have the background of where you are sitting be neat and tidy.
9) When doing a LIVE - the light source should be in FRONT of YOU. If you are near a WINDOW- sit with the window in FRONT of you with the blinds up - unless of course the SUN is beating in so bright that you can't see.
10) Take your time talking and DON'T RUSH but don't take too long either. Try and keep your first LIVE no longer that 10 minutes. After a you have done it for a while and you have begun to really get the feel of it all - then go ahead and increase the length of your videos. ALSO - NOTE CARDS at the beginning are a great idea - they can help you stay on track and lessen your stage fright a bit.
BEFORE YOU KNOW IT- you will be a FACEBOOK LIVE JUNKY and you will have caught the attention of a lot of new viewers.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Do you have a WISH LIST ?
Lot's of people make lists and many of us make a list everyday. We have grocery lists - To-Do lists- Honey Do lists - Life Goal lists ...the list goes on and on. If you were asked to LIST just 1 thing that you could DO MORE OF .....what would that 1 thing be ?
That may take a bit of thinking. I mean we ALL would like the opportunity to do MORE of many things. I would like to do more crafts and do more organizing but sometimes there is just not enough time in a day to ALL the THINGS we want. We have to PRIORITIZE and that is great because it allows us to SIMPLIFY the important issues a bit. If we are to frame the question from a BUSINESS point of view then that can really narrow it down a bit - if we ask that question from a LIFESTYLE point of view then that narrows it down too and allows you to focus on WHAT it is that you're missing. Now - let's ASK the same QUESTION and apply it to our LIFESTYLE. What is something in your LIFE right NOW that is HARD or that you wish you could CHANGE ? Now- I am not talking about PERSONAL ISSUES- but instead LIFESTYLE. Is your day to day life a bit hard and are there struggles that are making your LIFESTYLE seem challenging or leave you wishing for CHANGE and wanting MORE ?
The answer for most everyone is YES ! We all have an area in our day to day LIFESTYLE that we wish was EASIER or we HAD MORE OF. That means that you are HUMAN. Are you finding that your days is harder because there aren't enough funds to give you the CHANGES you seek ? Are you finding that your stress level is HIGHER when the bills start rolling in ? Maybe you have all the funds necessary to meet all the requirements for living BUT you are feeling like something is missing and you are just spinning your wheels and not getting ahead. That is very common. Most people find it hard to really get ahead. ADDING something to your life may make all the difference - BUT what is that SOMETHING SPECIAL that you are missing ? For most people- it's MORE MONEY and TIME . More money to provide that freedom to DO the SPECIAL things in life that bring real meaning to our lives. Spending more time with FAMILY and not wasting so much energy on the DAY to DAY grind but instead gaining some breathing room to ENJOY life a bit more.
I know that is what I am striving for everyday....especially since I am older- wiser. My desires are to BE with those I love and to spend TIME with them and not worry about so much. In short - to SIMPLIFY my LIFE in such a way that I have freedoms but less stress. That is the GOAL for so many and for so many - it seems ALLUSIVE ...but it doesn't have to be. The method is pretty easy but it does take CONSISTENCY. If you KNOW that you can be CONSISTENT and you have a pretty good SELF DISCIPLINE - then be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my WEEKLY posts on BUSINESS.
I have so much to SHARE and I want to SHARE it for FREE-  NO CATCH - Just click on SUBSCRIBE TO MY POSTS and I will make sure you are getting all my TIPS & TRICKS to help you achieve those BUSINESS GOALS and to FINDING that SPECIAL SOMETHING that can make your LIFESTYLE EASIER.
* To Sign Up for my WEEKLY POSTS - Click on the TOP right side of this blog to SUBSCRIBE *

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Starting My Blog

I have started a blog and I must say that it's not easy. I use to have a couple of blogs a few years back so I know the effort it takes to keep one going. Having said that I am somewhat hesitant to restart one but I know that it can be a very useful tool for me and for others as well.
I think the hardest part will be just learning the logistics of creating this one. I have kinda forgotten HOW to make it look the way I want please bear with me if it just doesn't look right at first.
I love creating and I know that once I can teach myself the basics again - I will be posting regularly and with solid content that you will find useful. So....STAY TUNED and PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to my WEEKLY POSTS on BUSINESS & LIFE !