Sunday, September 10, 2017

STYLE and Dressing for SUCCESS

Can a lack of style actually hurt your business ?
The answer is YES. When starting a business, one of the first things that needs to be done is BRANDING YOURSELF. Branding yourself does require a bit of STYLE and this does involve the way you DRESS - the things you like - the things that draw people to you etc. STYLE plays a HUGE role in branding and it's what attracts people to you so they eventually do business with you. Everyone has heard of DRESSING FOR SUCCESS and this can also play a huge role in your business. Sadly, in business we are often judged by our appearance. When we have job interviews - how we dress can often make or break the chances of us getting the job. For women - it can speak volumes in the corporate world. When a woman is dressed for success, she is often more confident and we all know that a perfect amount of confidence goes along way. Today there are so many ways to stay up-to-date on fashion and for those of us on a budget, there are multiple places to find stylish clothing without breaking the bank. I have always been a firm believer in DRESS HOW YOU WANT TO BE ADDRESSED. If we dress professional - we will treated to a certain a professional. If we dress in such a way that leaves little to the imagination - then you might be attracting more than you you wanted. We all remember those days when our parents ( mainly dad ) gave us heck when we wanted to leave the house with too much cleavage showing. The same applies to the business world and even more so. When a woman is dressed stylishly is shows that she takes care of herself and that she has a certain amount of self respect. Dressing stylish can really give us that extra boost of confidence too and let's face it- some days we NEED that. So whether you are showing up for a important interview with a potential new client or the job if a lifetime - DRESS FOR SUCCESS and you will CHARM them with a great first impression.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


In business it's always important to SHINE and many times we get so consumed by the need to SHINE BRIGHTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. This puts you in a competition state of mind and this can cause STRESS. We want to SAY NO to STRESS and focus on LESS STRESS. How can we do this when there always seems be someone better and smarter out there in the business world? The answer is simple really - No matter what we do in life - there will always be those who are smarter and more popular. It's important to remember and to acknowledge that and NOT let it get to us. We can only worry about ourselves and our own goals in life. Keep your focus on YOU and YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS and GOALS and you will soon notice that you are SHINING BRIGHT because you didn't let your mindset drift into a competition mode. Our lives should never turn into a competition and we should always be proud of what makes each of us special. SHINE ON - and be PROUD of the journey you're on. It's an amazing road and the fun is getting there.